Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Val has taught for 18 years and touched countless lives during each one - one of those being my own. Before Val was a good friend, she was my 6th grade teacher in Belton, TX. This is a woman who taught me how to put a comma to good use, hard lessons on plagiarizing reports (what’s a legume? don’t ask me!), and how to do "the butterfly" (hey, that dance was really cool). Her guitar playing inspired me to pick one up myself.

Years have passed; Val's impact has not. I’m still using commas, (see!) still playing guitar, and while maybe I’ve shelved the butterfly – I can still do it.

I know many of you also know her as a former teacher or as your child's teacher. Others of you may know her as a friend or coworker. I imagine some of you have never met her and are simply kind heart interested in helping a community member in need. I thank you all and ask that, however you know Val, please consider her, the lifetime of hard work she has dedicated to her students, and the amazing bright light she brings to this world and DONATE.
We celebrate that Val is now CANCER FREE but remember that it was not without surgery, countless doctor visits and consultations, lab work appointments, weeks of radiation therapy and, while Val’s insurance covered a portion of these expenses, she has been left with thousands in medical bills.

I have worked at the American Cancer Society for the past five years and in those years, spoken to countless patients who must decide between their health and astronomical debt. When I heard of Val’s diagnosis I felt a calling to help with one of the most unspoken burdens a patient is faced with – finances.

Medications often cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per month, therapies may cost thousands per day, and an MRI may cost a patient hundreds of dollars in out of pocket expenses. You multiply this by days, weeks, and months of treatment and it’s easy to see how it quickly stacks up.

My goal is to help Val with her medical bills so that she can focus on more important things like continuing treatment, STAYING WELL, and STAYING SASSY AND CLASSY!

I thank you in advance for your support and just ask you to think of Val - or anyone you know that has undergone a cancer diagnosis – when you consider what you are able to give.

Thank you,
Tiffanie Lanmon
Former student & friend